Not many know that the Tiger fish occurs naturally in South Africa, and you don't have to travel thousands of kilometers to foreign countries and spend loads of cash to get your chance to do battle with one of these beasts. Lake Jozini (Pongola Poort Dam) is Situated in Northern Zululand in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, this is the only lake within the borders of South Africa where one can find the amazing Tiger Fish in its natural habitat. Lake Jozini is easily accessed and better yet one does not need a passport like with many of the other locations where Tiger Fish can be caught.
Tiger Hunters Tours & Safari's have put together different package to suite everyone and their budgets. Tiger Hunters Tours & Safaris believes all anglers out there deserve the chance to catch one of these River Monsters.
Tiger Hunter tours and Safaris offers tailor made packages for your group. All we need to know is how many you will be and how many days you would like to be fishing. We sort out the rest. Accommodation options vary from basic self catering to luxury bush lodges its all your choice.
TO give you some idea please see our basic self catering package options. These options can be adjusted and changed as you feel. Contact us for any information.